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10 parent tips for handling tantrums with ease

10 parent tips for handling tantrums with ease

Tantrums are a regular and common occurrence in children. However, that doesn't mean they're easy to deal with. As a parent, it's essential to have a few tricks up your sleeve to help you deal with tantrums calmly and effectively. We've gathered 10 of our best tips for handling tantrums, so take a look and see which ones might work best for you and your child.


1. What is a tantrum? 

A tantrum is an uncontrolled display of emotion. It might look like screaming, yelling, crying, or hitting. For young children, tantrums are a way of expressing frustration or anger. Tantrums usually happen when a child is tired, hungry, or doesn't get his way. As a parent, it's essential to stay calm when your child has a tantrum.


2. Why do tantrums happen?

Tantrums can happen for a variety of reasons. Often, they're a way for kids to express their feelings when they don't have the words to do so. Tantrums can also be a way for kids to get attention, express frustration or anger, or release energy. As a parent, it's essential to endeavour to understand why your child is having a tantrum so that you can better help them deal with the emotions that are causing it.


Tantrum Children

3. 10 practical tips to handle tantrums 

When your child is having a tantrum, it can be challenging to stay calm. But it's important to do your best to remain collected and help your child through the outburst. Here are ten tips to help you handle tantrums with ease:


1. Remain calm and positive.

2. Don't give in to the tantrum.

3. Don't engage in verbal battles.

4. Remove your child from the situation if needed.

5. distract them with another activity.

6. offer comfort and support.

7. provide reassurance and understanding.

8. ignore the outburst if necessary.

9. show understanding and patience.

10. follow through with consequences if needed.


4. How to prevent tantrums

Acknowledge their feelings. No matter how frustrating it might be, always take the time to understand what your child is feeling. This will help them feel validated and understood, which can prevent tantrums from happening in the first place. Create a calm environment. Keep your home environment as relaxed and stress-free as possible.


Attempt to avoid arguing or yelling in front of your child, which can create an unsettling feeling and trigger tantrums. Distract them with positive activities. If a tantrum seems imminent, set out to distract your child with positive activities instead.


This can help to dissipate their energy more constructively. Provide clear and consistent boundaries. Establish rules and boundaries early on, and enforce them consistently. This will help your child understand what's expected of them and reduce the chances of tantrums happening.


Tantrum children

5. When to seek professional help 

A meltdown is a situation that's beyond your control. It can be hard to know when to seek professional help, but some clues are. If tantrums are frequent and last for more than an hour, occur several times a day or are accompanied by destructive behaviour, it might be time to get outside support.


It's also worth talking to a professional if you feel overwhelmed or stressed out by your child's behaviour. A therapist or counsellor can offer guidance and support and might be able to suggest some strategies that can help manage tantrums.



Tantrums are a normal part of growing up and can be frustrating for both children and parents. However, with a few tips and tricks, tantrums can be manageable. Remember to stay calm and consistent, be patient, and not give in to the tantrum.


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